Sunday, April 12, 2009

Supreme Chief of the Fire to Set Up Camp in Milwaukee

Supreme Chief of the Fire to Set Up Camp in Milwaukee

The only way I really feel like I’ve been Scout Executive in the Hawkeye Council for eleven years is when I look into the mirror. As Paul Swanson (known as Swanny) rudely pointed out to me, I actually had color other than gray in my hair when I came here. Man, time flies when you are having fun!

It has been a great ride for me and I my family. Imagine what it was like moving here from living 2 blocks north of Wrigley Field in Chicago. In addition to the crushing pace of big city life, the vast majority of the Scouting programs in the Chicago Area Council were conducted in housing projects, urban neighborhoods and close-in tough neighborhoods.

One thing I remember vividly was how afraid some kids from those neighborhoods got when they were taken camping for the first time. They were amazed by the stars. The dome of light over Chicago eliminates that sight almost entirely. They could not sleep because ‘it was too loud”. It seems the Scouts had grown used to the loud sounds of freeways, heavy local traffic, el trains, aircraft…and that the ‘deafening quiet of nature in the night woods scared them half to death! Scouting was succeeding there. But it was not the program I knew when I grew up and became an Eagle Scout along the way.

Then, I moved to Iowa. I immediately experienced the most amazing family support network I have ever seen. It is absolutely breathtaking to behold the incredible volunteer leadership that is displayed here in Eastern Iowa. No wonder the Hawkeye Area Council rates near the top in all measureable categories by which Councils are measured. I can say with great pride that I was associated with the best group of Scouters in the country.

I will now take what you have taught me, and bring the same focus on quality program delivery to Milwaukee. I don’t doubt for a moment that the tremendous momentum the staff/volunteer partnership has underway here will slow down for a second. Thank you for doing the Lord’s work. Thank you for allowing me to be part of the wonderful Scouting program in the Hawkeye Area Council. It has been my honor to serve with you. I am blessed to have been able to live Baden-Powell’s dream with you. Together, we have helped to change the world by teaching thousands of kids to live by the tenets of the Scout Oath and Law. Good Scouting, and I’m sure I’ll meet you all at Gilwell in the future.

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